Porting to udev
Alex Buell
2010-06-28 22:32:49 UTC

I now have time to help with this. I have started digging through the
docs on using udevd to find the PDA device and communicate with it.

Are there any additional docs on SynCE and how it works together with

HAL has already been deprecated on many modern distributions and
therefore it is now important to start work on a replacement for

Input greatly welcome!

One very high maintenance cat living here.
Mark Ellis
2010-07-04 11:08:18 UTC
Post by Alex Buell
I now have time to help with this. I have started digging through the
docs on using udevd to find the PDA device and communicate with it.
Are there any additional docs on SynCE and how it works together with
HAL has already been deprecated on many modern distributions and
therefore it is now important to start work on a replacement for
Input greatly welcome!
Have a look at trunk/connector in svn. Untested so far with udev, and
libsynce and librapi need to be changed to get a connection from a
non-hal dbus address.

Unfortunately udev is not a drop in replacement for hal.
Alex Buell
2010-07-04 22:43:44 UTC
Post by Mark Ellis
Have a look at trunk/connector in svn. Untested so far with udev, and
libsynce and librapi need to be changed to get a connection from a
non-hal dbus address.
Thanks, I'll get the sources downloaded.
Post by Mark Ellis
Unfortunately udev is not a drop in replacement for hal.
Are there any documentation I can wade through?

One very high maintenance cat living here.
Mark Ellis
2010-07-11 10:45:57 UTC
Post by Alex Buell
Post by Mark Ellis
Have a look at trunk/connector in svn. Untested so far with udev, and
libsynce and librapi need to be changed to get a connection from a
non-hal dbus address.
Thanks, I'll get the sources downloaded.
Post by Mark Ellis
Unfortunately udev is not a drop in replacement for hal.
Are there any documentation I can wade through?

But seriously, it took me ages to even figure out that "hal is
deprecated for devkit", they actually meant udev. It's not fun. There
are some docs on udev, but it's a bit threadbare. As for docs on synce,
hmmmmm ...

udev is next on my list though.
Mark Ellis
2010-07-17 15:53:31 UTC
Post by Mark Ellis
Post by Alex Buell
Post by Mark Ellis
Have a look at trunk/connector in svn. Untested so far with udev, and
libsynce and librapi need to be changed to get a connection from a
non-hal dbus address.
Thanks, I'll get the sources downloaded.
Post by Mark Ellis
Unfortunately udev is not a drop in replacement for hal.
Are there any documentation I can wade through?
But seriously, it took me ages to even figure out that "hal is
deprecated for devkit", they actually meant udev. It's not fun. There
are some docs on udev, but it's a bit threadbare. As for docs on synce,
hmmmmm ...
udev is next on my list though.
I'll keep a little commentary going on this.

It was going quite well, got dccm up from udev and it received a
connection from the device. Next step, set up a dbus interface, since
this was previously done by hald.

Ah, dbus config doesn't allow for arbitrary public bus names, which is
what we need because a dccm process runs for each device, and previously
hald was our public address so it wasn't a problem. I now need to modify
things so that we only run one process, like odccm, or have a separate
front end process like hal that all the backends can talk through.