Connecting 2 phones with Windows mobile
Robert Schönherr
2010-08-31 10:30:25 UTC
Hi @all,
I have a little problem with sync-engine. Beforehand excuse my bad english.

I have allready mailed with Guido Diepen. But he is going on a business
trip, so I try to ask here:-)

What I want:

* Connect 2 devices to one linux PC
* reading/writing on the filesystem
* running programs

What I tried already:

* it doesn't work under Windows (with 2 devices)
* sync-engine ignores secound device, when pluging it in
* starting sync-engine 2 times doesn't help

If anybody has an idee how it can work I would be very nice. It is also
OK, when you can say me that it is impossible.
I thought it is possible, because sync-engine has an option "-o", that
allows only connecting one device.

I hope anyone can help me.

Best regards,
Robert Schönherr
Mark Ellis
2010-09-01 12:58:18 UTC
Post by Robert Schönherr
I have a little problem with sync-engine. Beforehand excuse my bad english.
I have allready mailed with Guido Diepen. But he is going on a
business trip, so I try to ask here:-)
* Connect 2 devices to one linux PC
* reading/writing on the filesystem
* running programs
I'm not sure exactly what you mean by this. I presume you mean you want
to be able to copy files to the device ?
Post by Robert Schönherr
* it doesn't work under Windows (with 2 devices)
Correct, it doesn't work with Windows, at least not XP, I've never tried
with Vista/7
Post by Robert Schönherr
* sync-engine ignores secound device, when pluging it in
* starting sync-engine 2 times doesn't help
If anybody has an idee how it can work I would be very nice. It is
also OK, when you can say me that it is impossible.
I thought it is possible, because sync-engine has an option "-o", that
allows only connecting one device.
sync-engine does not work with more than one device. Hopefully it will
one day, but not yet.

sync-engine is only used for syncing though, the rest of synce should
work with more than one device. I've tested this with a WM5 device and a
Wm2003 device. It will be a bit harder if you have 2 WM5 or WM6 devices,
because they try and use the same network details in rndis mode
("advanced networking" in settings). If you turn off rndis in one of
them it should work.

