Legacy too: sync errors (do not handle field & cannot handle this time zone)
2010-07-29 09:48:56 UTC
Hi List,

During sync, I'm seeing messages like

[rra_contact_to_vcard2:968] Did not handle field with ID 8318
[rra_contact_to_vcard2:968] Did not handle field with ID 8321
[rra_contact_to_vcard2:968] Did not handle field with ID fffd


[using_daylight_saving:253] Cannot handle this time zone

repeated over and over again.

1) Are these from synce or opensync?

2) I have a legacy device (iPAQ hx4700, WinCE 2003 SE). Is
anyone still fixing the legacy code? Is there any chance this will
ever be fixed (if I don't fix them myself)?

Mark Ellis
2010-07-31 08:30:32 UTC
Post by LnxGnome
Hi List,
During sync, I'm seeing messages like
[rra_contact_to_vcard2:968] Did not handle field with ID 8318
[rra_contact_to_vcard2:968] Did not handle field with ID 8321
[rra_contact_to_vcard2:968] Did not handle field with ID fffd
They're literally unknown fields in the data from the device. Being MS,
there isn't any documentation for this, it's reverse engineered by trial
and error.
Post by LnxGnome
[using_daylight_saving:253] Cannot handle this time zone
I know where this is coming from, but I don't really know what it's
trying to do.
Post by LnxGnome
repeated over and over again.
1) Are these from synce or opensync?
All from synce, specifically librra
Post by LnxGnome
2) I have a legacy device (iPAQ hx4700, WinCE 2003 SE). Is
anyone still fixing the legacy code? Is there any chance this will
ever be fixed (if I don't fix them myself)?
None of the "legacy" code has been abandoned, and it's on my list of
things to do. Unfortunately it's a big list, so please feel free to have
a go. It's been a while since I looked at librra, but if you need any
help figuring it out please ask :)
Post by LnxGnome
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