KDE PIM and mobile device syncing news
Tejas Guruswamy
2010-09-22 12:30:50 UTC

Just wanted to pass on some information to those of you who are
interested in syncing your KDE PIM data with mobile devices. Basically
after a long time of stagnation some development is going on again and
we'd like to get more users testing stuff.

Some of you may remember KitchenSync, the KDE OpenSync frontend on KDE
3.5; and how it was doubly abandoned by OpenSync moving from 0.22 to
0.3x and KDE moving from 3.x to 4.x.

Well, I've resurrected it for KDE SC 4 + OpenSync 0.22 (the current,
shipped version of OpenSync) [1]. Please test and give feedback.

Meanwhile development on the KitchenSync OpenSync 0.3x branch has also
restarted (see [2]) - however that's waiting on the release of OpenSync
0.40, which has now taken almost three years and counting.

I've also finished the porting of the kdepim plugin to KDE/Qt 4; that
lets you sync with KAddressbook, KOrganizer, and KNotes (KDE SC <= 4.4).
Be warned that note syncing is currently broken because of bko#251914
[3] (patch available there), I'll try and push a fix to the openSUSE
KDEPIM packages at least. For now a fixed knotes is available for
openSUSE on obs://home:MasterPatricko:sync [4].

I've also written a brand new akonadi-sync plugin [5] to sync OpenSync
0.22 with akonadi ( i.e. KDE SC >= 4.4 ). This is not to be confused
with the OpenSync 0.3x version available on KDE SVN - which is, again,
waiting for OpenSync 0.40.

Obviously this is pretty much alpha-quality code, bugs are to be
expected, please don't do anything without a backup, no guarantees.

OpenSUSE packages for all this are available on the OBS at
home:MasterPatricko:sync; I'll send relatively stable snapshots to
KDE:Unstable:Playground too.

If you weren't aware, OpenSync is the framework the SynCE uses to sync -
it provides plugins to sync with
Blackberrys, Windows Mobile devices, mobile phones over USB, bluetooth,
and IR, Google Calendar, Evolution, and Mozilla Sunbird/Lightning among
others -- see http://www.opensync.org, though its slightly out of date.


PS. slightly more instructions on my blog at masterpatricko.blogspot.com

[1] http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php/KitchenSync?content=132898
[3] https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=251914
[4] http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/MasterPatricko:/sync/
2011-01-07 11:09:38 UTC
Post by Tejas Guruswamy
I've also written a brand new akonadi-sync plugin [5] to sync OpenSync
0.22 with akonadi ( i.e. KDE SC >= 4.4 ). This is not to be confused
with the OpenSync 0.3x version available on KDE SVN - which is, again,
waiting for OpenSync 0.40.
I have not read the list in a looong time (your email is from september!).

What's the status on the development?

I'll give it a try this weekend if I have time

Tejas Guruswamy
2011-01-07 11:17:22 UTC
Post by Damnshock
Post by Tejas Guruswamy
I've also written a brand new akonadi-sync plugin [5] to sync OpenSync
0.22 with akonadi ( i.e. KDE SC >= 4.4 ). This is not to be confused
with the OpenSync 0.3x version available on KDE SVN - which is, again,
waiting for OpenSync 0.40.
I have not read the list in a looong time (your email is from september!).
What's the status on the development?
I'll give it a try this weekend if I have time
Syncing (contacts, todo, calendar, notes) works for most simple cases.
Just make sure to have akonadi working properly before you sync, with at
least one resource for each object type (contacts, calendar) you've got
enabled. If you find problems let me know.

2011-01-07 11:21:15 UTC
Post by Tejas Guruswamy
Syncing (contacts, todo, calendar, notes) works for most simple cases.
Just make sure to have akonadi working properly before you sync, with at
least one resource for each object type (contacts, calendar) you've got
enabled. If you find problems let me know.
As far as I know, I got everything working but notes (I won't try to sync them anyway ;) ).

Which devices have you been successful with? I own a Nokia N900... will that work?


Tejas Guruswamy
2011-01-07 11:26:34 UTC
Post by Damnshock
Post by Tejas Guruswamy
Syncing (contacts, todo, calendar, notes) works for most simple cases.
Just make sure to have akonadi working properly before you sync, with at
least one resource for each object type (contacts, calendar) you've got
enabled. If you find problems let me know.
As far as I know, I got everything working but notes (I won't try to sync them anyway ;) ).
Which devices have you been successful with? I own a Nokia N900... will that work?
Most of my devices are Windows Mobile ones -- hence why i hang out on
the synce-lists :) -- so I've not tested much. But if your device has a
working OpenSync plugin, it *should* work. I think the N900 must be
using SyncML over http/bluetooth? I recommend doing some testing against
the file-plugin at first just to be safe.

