SynCE for Novell Linux Point of Service 9?
Kal Sze
2011-05-13 08:56:24 UTC
Hello again,

Would anybody know if SynCE can be made to work on NLPOS9? As far as I
can tell, it's based on SUSE Linux Enterprise 9, so its kernel version
should be in the 2.6.5 series. Will the usb-rndis-lite patch even work
with it? I never could find out what is the minimum kernel version
requirement for usb-rndis-lite.

Best regards,

Sent from my iPhone
Tejas Guruswamy
2011-05-15 10:41:55 UTC
Post by Kal Sze
Hello again,
Would anybody know if SynCE can be made to work on NLPOS9? As far as I
can tell, it's based on SUSE Linux Enterprise 9, so its kernel version
should be in the 2.6.5 series. Will the usb-rndis-lite patch even work
with it? I never could find out what is the minimum kernel version
requirement for usb-rndis-lite.
Best regards,
I don't know. You'll definitely have to compile the usb-rndis-lite
module yourself, and probably have to patch quite a bit as a lot would
have changed kernel-interface wise.

Even in userspace the age of some of the libraries might be an issue.

It shouldn't be impossible but it would take some work.

