Synce with a newer version of Ubuntu than the 10.04
Lionel Gimelfarb
2012-04-27 14:04:40 UTC
Has someone been able to synch a win mobile 6.5 pda with Evolution with
a newer version of Ubuntu (11.04, 11.10, 12.04) ?
Because it is a main thing for me, with the problem of packaging
opensync 0.39 from Ubuntu 10.10 I've decided to stay until now with
Ubuntu 10.04.
I would like to upgrade but I want to be sure to able to synch my phone
with evolution.
Has someone find a solution ?
Bet regards,
Andrea Vai
2012-04-27 19:56:16 UTC
Hi Lionel and all,
well this would be interesting also for me (windows mobile 5), because
I am still with Lucid too, and I remember sometime in the past when I
tried to sync in Maverick without success. For me too, this is a
highly needed task. So here's the new LTS and I hope I will manage to
do it. Please give updates by using this mailing list; I will do the
same if I reach any success with some attempts in the next weeks (at
the moment I can connect and browse my PDA using an Oneiric box set up
for test purposes, but haven't tried to sync yet.)

Best regards,
Post by Lionel Gimelfarb
Has someone been able to synch a win mobile 6.5 pda with Evolution with
a newer version of Ubuntu (11.04, 11.10, 12.04) ?
Because it is a main thing for me, with the problem of packaging
opensync 0.39 from Ubuntu 10.10 I've decided to stay until now with
Ubuntu 10.04.
I would like to upgrade but I want to be sure to able to synch my phone
with evolution.
Has someone find a solution ?
Bet regards,
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