[Help] Syncing HTC Pharos and Ubuntu 10.10
2011-03-15 22:56:57 UTC
The following forum message was posted by twinotter300 at http://sourceforge.net/projects/synce/forums/forum/96106/topic/4413364:

Hi to every one

PDA running WM6 and activesync
DESKTOP: BRAND NEW fresh installed UBUNTU 10.10
USER: Newbie

I followed the explanation to insynce my
PDA (http://www.synce.org/moin/SynceInstallation/Ubuntu/ModernDevice)
I connected my device and run the synce-pls command in a terminal
Able to read my PDA's files so the connection seems to be OK

Then I'm not able to install the other packages:
sudo apt-get install multisync-tools opensync-plugin-synce synce-sync-engine
depends missing, are not installable, or will not be installed says the

Then I tried to insert the synce repository for mavrick instaed of lucid
deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/synce/ubuntu maverick main

I can install some more packages, but the synce-pls command in a terminal does
not work anymore and i'm not able to see my PDA files anymore

Reading a lot of ubuntu documentations, forums, tutorials .... i found another
repository to get the missing packages
But the synce-pls command still shows me the same error
(not able to find default path or smthg like that)

What can I dooooo

I really need your help

thank you
2011-03-16 19:58:41 UTC
The following forum message was posted by mark_ellis at http://sourceforge.net/projects/synce/forums/forum/96106/topic/4413364:

use the repository you found at
http://ppa.launchpad.net/opensync/opensync-0.22/ubuntu for opensync. ubuntu
and debian have unwisely removed the 0.22 branch for the unstable and unreleased
0.4x branch.
2011-03-18 08:33:44 UTC
The following forum message was posted by twinotter300 at http://sourceforge.net/projects/synce/forums/forum/96106/topic/4413364:

Thank You so much
Synce is working fine, and sync performed with evolution

I'm now looking for a graphical way for syncing
I'm looking for synce-gvfs but i don't know where i can find it

i continue on looking for it.... keep you informed

have a nice day
2011-03-18 09:18:09 UTC
The following forum message was posted by twinotter300 at http://sourceforge.net/projects/synce/forums/forum/96106/topic/4413364:

Hi again
I found somethg like Multisync-gui in the applications menu

I installed the synce-trayicon package as well

nevertheless, i cannot browse my PDA files: nautilus does not recognize

If i make an entry in the evolution contacts, it'is not reported in my PDA
meaning the syncronisation is made only in 1 way: from PDA to laptop
and not in the other way

thanks again
Andrea Vai
2011-03-18 09:38:50 UTC
Post by SourceForge.net
Hi again
I found somethg like Multisync-gui in the applications menu
I installed the synce-trayicon package as well
nevertheless, i cannot browse my PDA files: nautilus does not recognize
I think I have had the same issue, you can check how I solved it in this
conversation of the list:

Best regards,
Post by SourceForge.net
If i make an entry in the evolution contacts, it'is not reported in my PDA
meaning the syncronisation is made only in 1 way: from PDA to laptop
and not in the other way
thanks again
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2011-03-18 13:29:20 UTC
The following forum message was posted by mark_ellis at http://sourceforge.net/projects/synce/forums/forum/96106/topic/4413364:

synce-gvfs is available in the maverick synce PPA. This is not for syncing PIM
data, it's for viewing the filesystem of the device.
2011-04-29 00:17:34 UTC
The following forum message was posted by drgrumpy at http://sourceforge.net/projects/synce/forums/forum/96106/topic/4413364:

Yes but if you try to install, it wants to install synce-hal and uninstall

2011-05-09 08:07:08 UTC
The following forum message was posted by mark_ellis at http://sourceforge.net/projects/synce/forums/forum/96106/topic/4413364:

I've built synce-gvfs for natty now, try that
