odccm on openSUSE 11.3
Klaus-Dieter Fietze
2011-03-21 07:17:11 UTC
I have tried to synchronise my Windows Mobile 6 device with KDE Kontact data. I am using openSUSE 11.3.
Since it does not work I have searched the Web how to overcome the problem. Odccm was described to be a good tool to get basic information about the connection. So I installed it. Later I found out that odccm should not run at the same time synce-hal does. Furhter it looks as if the version I have installed does not comply with all the other modules of SynCE.
I tried to uninstall odccm, but the YAST2 fails with the following error message:

Removal of package odccm failed.
Subprocess failed. Error RPM failed: /etc/init.d/odccm: line 28: start-stop-daemon: command not found ..failed
error: %preun(odccm-0.12-11.11.i586) scriplet failed, exit status 1
I am not experienced enough to know what to do and how to finally uninstall odccm.

It would be great if somebody could give me a hint.
Thank you in advance for wasting your precious time for me.

Best regards,

Klaus Fietze
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Tejas Guruswamy
2011-03-21 12:41:32 UTC
Post by Klaus-Dieter Fietze
I have tried to synchronise my Windows Mobile 6 device with KDE Kontact data. I am using openSUSE 11.3.
Since it does not work I have searched the Web how to overcome the problem. Odccm was described to be a good tool to get basic information about the connection. So I installed it. Later I found out that odccm should not run at the same time synce-hal does. Furhter it looks as if the version I have installed does not comply with all the other modules of SynCE.
Removal of package odccm failed.
Subprocess failed. Error RPM failed: /etc/init.d/odccm: line 28: start-stop-daemon: command not found ..failed
error: %preun(odccm-0.12-11.11.i586) scriplet failed, exit status 1
I am not experienced enough to know what to do and how to finally uninstall odccm.
Indeed, odccm is very obsolete. I have no idea where you found a package
for it, I'm not surprised it doesn't work.

Try this command to remove it (as root, in a terminal)
rpm -evh --noscripts odccm

