[Fwd: Re: Package opensync 0.22 for Maverick]
Mark Ellis
2010-11-15 16:26:11 UTC
Hi Mark,
I tri to send to the list (twice, once in the beginning of the last week
and once friday) but I receive a msg that told me that the body of my
message is to big and I have to wait unti the moderator accepted or not
my message. Until now I got no answer.
Have you an idea how long it takes ?
Hi Lionel

Must be the size of the attachments, don't worry about that one then.

The only error I can see in there is coming from evo2-sync, rather than
synce, so I can't really suggest anything. There might be a corrupt or
odd item in evolution. You might want to ask on the opensync list ?

Since you're already getting a slow sync because of previous errors, you
might also want to think about removing the partnership and sync group
and starting from scratch. Be aware of course that you might get
duplicates, and if it's a WM6 device some of the items might be deleted.

-------- Message transféré --------
Sujet: Re: Package opensync 0.22 for Maverick
Date: Fri, 05 Nov 2010 08:37:03 +0100
Sorry Mark I didn't realise what you meant with send to the list, now i
get it :((
Member 1 of type synce-opensync-plugin just sent all changes
Member 1 of type synce-opensync-plugin just disconnected
All clients have disconnected
The sync failed: Unable to read from one of the members
DEBUG:SynCE:finalize() called
Error while synchronizing: Unable to read from one of the members
And in practive the things changed in Evolution are not synchronised
(for example a new contact)on my HTC Polaris with windows mobile 6.1.
In attached file I send the complete sync, the log from opensync, and
the log when I do listpartnership.
If someone have an idea I would apreciate.
Lionel from switzerland
-------- Message initial --------
Sujet: Re: Package opensync 0.22 for Maverick
Date: Wed, 3 Nov 2010 11:20:33 +0000
Please send to the list !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can't see an error on that sync, are you saying it still didn't work ?
To capture the full log, just do
msynctool --sync synce-sync > msynctool.log 2>&1
If the previous one didn't work, and you want to resend the logs, send
everything from a fresh run exactly as before.
Hi Mark,
Here are the output.
I have had to make a capture from the beginning of the sync because, at
the end I could'nt see the beggining in my terminal. I've try 4 time the
sync to capture the beginning and now my log is too big. I send you what
seem me to concern the thirst sync.
I'm realy thankfull for your help.