[Fwd: Re: got sync working?]
Achim Zirner
2010-12-31 14:10:27 UTC
Hi List,

I had it going under Ubuntu 10.4. However, Canonical decided to include
opensync 0.39 which is officially not stable (and according to the
project page should not be included in distributions). Opensync 0.39
doesn't work with synce. To fix this, Mark Ellis created the "special"
archive which was suppose to fix this issue by somehow manipulating the
version numbers (Correct me if I am wrong).

Unfortunatley it didn't do the job for. Probably, because I still have
some old configs in my systems, although I thought that I cleaned pretty

My guess is, that some more things got broken during the update to
10.10. For example, the PDA is no longer being auto-detected. (it
doesn't show up in the tray icon. I have to run "synce-pls" first.

What I have noticed is, that my PDA doesn't say
"connected" ("Verbunden") as it used to but noch waiting for Network
("Auf Netzwerk warten"). Did I screw something up with my PDA-settings?

Best regards,

