1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Try again, but first manually start synce-sync-engine from the command
line in a separate window.
However this evening I tried to remove partnership and action failed.
So I decided to try and use the terminal commands and the following is
the output.
Prior to this i have been using the
SynCE Tray Icon 0.15
and the
multisync0.90 0.91
tools to syncronise
Are you able to help me please?
dbus.exceptions.DBusException: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Did
not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application
did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the
reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was
Looks like dbus isn't starting sync-engine. Does the
file /usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.synce.SyncEngine.service
exist ?
error: unable to connect to running sync-engine
Please ensure sync-engine is running before executing this command
dbus.exceptions.DBusException: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Did
not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application
did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the
reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was
error: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply
Correct that last message, I do have org.synce.SyncEngine.service
So why do I still have problems adding / updating information from my
handheld back to my PC?
All help gratefully appreciated.
Thank you
Mark, by 'replying' I would have sent this message directly to you, so
have done it this way, hope this is ok...

Below is the output from my terminal.

***@glenn-laptop:~$ msynctool --sync Glenn
Synchronizing group "Glenn"
DEBUG:SynCE:Connect() called
Member 2 of type synce-opensync-plugin just connected
Member 1 of type evo2-sync just connected
All clients connected or error
DEBUG:SynCE:get_changeinfo() called
INFO:SynCE:initiating device synchronization
INFO:SynCE:waiting for engine to complete sync
Received an entry 20091101T211406Z-1890-1000-1-***@glenn-laptop with data
of size 8 from member 1 (evo2-sync). Changetype MODIFIED
Received an entry 20091101T211406Z-1890-1000-1-***@glenn-laptop with data
of size 8 from member 1 (evo2-sync). Changetype MODIFIED
Member 1 of type evo2-sync just sent all changes
INFO:SynCE:device synchronization complete
DEBUG:SynCE:requesting remote changes
DEBUG:SynCE:got 2 changesets
DEBUG:SynCE:processing changes for 2 items of item type 0
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/opensync/python-plugins/synce-opensync-plugin-2x.py",
line 174, in get_changeinfo
change.uid = array.array('B',guid).tostring()
File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/opensync.py", line 192, in set_uid
def set_uid(self, *args): return _opensync.OSyncChange_set_uid(self,
TypeError: in method 'OSyncChange_set_uid', argument 1 of type
'OSyncChange *'
Member 2 of type synce-opensync-plugin had an error while getting
changes: Error during get_changeinfo() method
DEBUG:SynCE:disconnect() called
Member 2 of type synce-opensync-plugin just disconnected
Member 1 of type evo2-sync just disconnected
All clients have disconnected
The sync failed: Unable to read from one of the members
DEBUG:SynCE:finalize() called
All conflicts have been reported
Error while synchronizing: Unable to read from one of the members

Is this helpful?

Thank you

Rev. Glenn Louttit
Innisfail Uniting Church
P.O. Box 632
Innisfail. Qld. 4860
Ph. 07 4061 1180
Mob. 0418 747 204

Content-Type: text/html; charset="utf-8"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 TRANSITIONAL//EN"> <HTML> <HEAD> <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; CHARSET=UTF-8"> <META NAME="GENERATOR" CONTENT="GtkHTML/3.28.3"> </HEAD> <BODY> <FONT COLOR="#993366">On Thursday 27th May Mark Ellis said:</FONT><BR> <BR> <TT><FONT COLOR="#993366">Glenn, can you please reply to the previous message in your thread</FONT></TT><BR> <TT><FONT COLOR="#993366">instead of creating a new one, it's much easier to see what you said to</FONT></TT><BR> <TT><FONT COLOR="#993366">start with.</FONT></TT><BR> <BR> <TT><FONT COLOR="#993366">I'm going to paste in the original message at this point.</FONT></TT><BR> <BR> <TT><FONT COLOR="#993366">On Mon, 2010-05-17 at 14:13 +0200, Rev. Glenn Louttit wrote:</FONT></TT><BR> <TT><FONT COLOR="#993366">&gt; Hi all.</FONT></TT><BR> <TT><FONT COLOR="#993366">&gt; Below I have shown that I have a connection from computer to htc touch</FONT></TT><BR> <TT><FONT COLOR="#993366">&gt; diamond.</FONT></TT><BR> <TT><FONT COLOR="#993366">&gt; </FONT></TT><BR> <TT><FONT COLOR="#993366">&gt; I have, since updating to Ubuntu 10.04, been able to copy information</FONT></TT><BR> <TT><FONT COLOR="#993366">&gt; from computer to htc but not back the other way. </FONT></TT><BR> <TT><FONT COLOR="#993366">&gt; If I have placed any new info on htc, sync fails. So I have to remove</FONT></TT><BR> <TT><FONT COLOR="#993366">&gt; partnership and create a new one. </FONT></TT><BR>
<TT><FONT COLOR="#993366">I've just re-read this. You say sync fails, how does it fail, what does</FONT></TT><BR>
<TT><FONT COLOR="#993366">it say.
